a pro-life amendment to remove provisions of the bill that expanded coverage of abortion and authorized government funding of elective abortions."
NRLC Letter of Endorsement http://www.billfloresforcongress.com/nrlc
The NRLC joins other major pro life organizations Texas Right to Life Concerned Women of America and the Texas Alliance for Life in supporting Flores over Edwards. I am honored to have the support of National Right to Life. I believe that every life is precious and has a soul that must be protected by law" said Flores I will consistently vote to protect life in Congress and look forward to working with National Right to Life to advance a pro-life agenda." In addition to NLRC the Gun Owners of America (GOA) endorsed Flores over Edwards. GOA is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. In endorsing Flores GOA Vice President Tim Macy said Second Amendment supporters in Texas have a champion in Bill Flores a retired businessman
GOA Letter of Endorsement http://www.billfloresforcongress.com/goa
Macy continued Gun Owners of America is proud to make this endorsement and urges all Second Amendment advocates to support Bill Flores in the 2010 election against incumbent Congressman Chet Edwards." I am honored to receive the endorsement and the support of Gun Owners of America" said Flores. I am fully aware that the Second Amendment is as fundamental to our American heritage as every other part of the Constitution. I will always support our Second Amendment and stand in the way of those who wish to criminalize this important right of our citizens Flores said.