Bius Files Candidacy for Texas Senate

Republican says he is all in" despite Steve Ogdens broken promise to voters ben-biusAustin TexasYesterday business and community leader Ben Bius filed the necessary documents with Republican Party of Texas leaders making his candidacy for the Texas Senate official.  Bius is running for the District 5 State Senate seat currently held by Steve Ogden. In September Ogden announced he would not be seeking reelection to the senate. He called Bius to let him know of his decision not to run and encouraged Bius to seek the seat if he was interested in doing so. Earlier today Ogden reneged on his pledge to voters flip flopped and instead filed for reelection. Ogden who had been strongly considering making a run for the United States Congressional seat held by Democrat Chet Edwards apparently abandoned his plans to challenge the incumbent. This senate district to just too important to be relegated to being a booby prize" said Bius. While I am disappointed that Steve Ogden did not keep his promise to me or the voters of this district my commitment to the people of Senate District 5 remains the same.  I am all in this race regardless of who my opponent is" said Bius. Bius said that his campaign continues to grow. He said that he and campaign team had already knocked on over 15000 doors and that he has personally visited with thousands of voters from across the senate district.  The hardworking folks who live work and are raising their families in Senate District 5 want a State Senator who will keep his word and never back down when it comes to protecting their interests" Bius said. With me they will have a Senator who says what he means does what he says and will get things done for Texas" Bius concluded.
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