Blake Farenthold Endorsed by Best-Selling Author Brad Thor

Blake will be good for Texas but he is going to be fantastic for America"  Brad Thor width=127Texas Insider Report: CORPUS CHRISTI Texas  Republican Congressional candidate Blake Farenthold has been endorsed by New York Times bestselling author Brad Thor.  Thor made a stop in Corpus Christi on Monday & Tuesday while on his nationwide book tour promoting his new book Foreign Influence".   He was the special guest Monday at a fundraiser for Farenthold who is running for Congress Texas District 27. Thor has served as a member of the Department of Homeland Securitys Analytic Red Cell Program and has appeared on FOX News CNN Headline News ABC CBS NBC & PBS as a national security expert on terrorism. Blake is the type of person that Id like to be" Thor said. (Blake isnt) exactly enamored with politics" but feels like it is something he has been called to do. I think he is not only going to be good for Texas but he is going to be fantastic for America" said the author. Thor is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of:
  • The Lions of Lucern
  • Path of the Assassin
  • State of the Union
  • Blowback
  • Takedown
  • The First Commandment
  • The Last Patriot and
  • The Apostle
I am honored to receive the endorsement from Brad. I was a huge fan of his writing before and am now proud to call him a friend" said Farenthold who noted that Thors research has made him a nationally reknown expert on foreign policy and terrorism.  Brads experiences and creativity are a valuable asset to this nation. As a member of Congress I will be faced with the continuing problem of how to defeat an ever changing enemy. I am excited to have an asset like Brad to width=160help me understand the problems and find solutions" Farenthold said. Blake Farenthold is a Corpus Christi attorney businessman and civic leader who is seeking election to the District 27 Congressional seat in the Nov. 2 2010 election. District 27 covers Nueces Kleberg Kenedy Willacy and parts of Cameron and San Patricio counties.
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