Texas grows from 21 million to just over 25 million people in 2010
By Senator Kel Seliger
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas Securing the border has and continues to be a high priority for Texas especially in light of the increasing violence along our border with Mexico. Over the last two biennia the Legislature has appropriated over $200 million to strengthen & enhance border security efforts.
I strongly support Governor Perrys request for additional National Guard troops to enhance security along the Texas-Mexico border. President Obama recently authorized 1200 troops to the entire border region with approximately 286 of those troops assigned to Texas.
Current estimates suggest that the state is facing an $18 billion shortfall in the 2012-2013 bienium. The franchise tax which the Legislature revised in 2006 brought in approximately half of the revenue that it was anticipated. Fortunately the states Rainy Day Fund will have a balance of approximately $11 billion by the end of fiscal year 2013.
Additionally 56 of our state budget is made up of sales taxes and the Comptroller of Public Accounts recently reported that sales tax collections

having increased four months in a row were up 2.2 in July.
Despite the dire financial outlook facing our state I believe that we can balance the budget and meet all of the states essential needs during the next biennium without placing a larger tax burden on hard working Texans. Water. Water continues to be an important issue facing the Legislature and nowhere is water more closely tied to a regions success than in West Texas.
Senate Committee on Natural Resources is studying the implementation of the State Water Plan and will be considering funding options to ensure that our future water needs are met. The Committee is also studying the Groundwater Management Area joint planning process and the progress that groundwater conservation districts have made toward establishing a desired future condition for their areas.
Altogether these efforts will help protect our states water resources for both today and years to come.
Redistricting Committee
Redistricting is a constitutionally mandated process following the Decennial Census. State law requires the legislature to adjust political boundaries to accommodate the population changes of the decade.
The State expects the Census to show that Texas has grown from about 21 million people in 2000 to just over 25 million people in 2010.
From now until January
the Redistricting Committee will conduct public outreach hearings across the state to gather input from Texans on how to redraw

our political boundaries for the next decade. The Senate will then draw new districts during the 82nd Legislature based on updated population totals in Texas.
All redistricting legislation will follow the normal process to ensure openness and public participation during the legislative session.
As Chairman I intend for this process to result in fair and legal political maps for our state.