Bozell: Sleazy Songs of Summer

width=7122 Songs on the chart 64 make at least 1 reference to sex drugs or alcohol or contained profanity By Brent Bozell Ever wonder what those teenagers are listening to while wearing those iPod earphones? Maybe youd rather not know. You will be horrified.   The Culture and Media Institute recently reviewed the top pop songs from May through July. To say that hedonism is in the air is an understatement. Of the 22 songs on the charts a whopping 64 percent made at least one reference to sex drugs or alcohol or contained profanity. All 22 songs had music videos and 68 percent of them featured sexualized dancing alcohol violence or partying scenes. The anthem of the summer seems to be the song California Gurls by Katy Perry the ex-Christian singer who kick-started her career with the hit I Kissed a Girl (And I Liked It) in 2008. Shes so mainstream this year that she hosted the Teen Choice Awards on Fox. Her Gurls song is catchy and raunchy starting with the boast that she and her girlfriends are so hot well melt your Popsicle. That phrase is hot slang. Please imagine 7-year-old girls learning and reciting the lyrics to these songs -- because they do. Perry sings about Sex on the beach / We dont mind sand in our stilettos / We freak in my Jeep to Snoop Dogg who also raps on the song. Snoop calls out the men to kiss her touch her squeeze her buns. The boys hang out to all that ass hangin out watching the girls in bikinis tankinis martinis no weenies. Shakespeare he is not. Romantic sonnets are not in season. Getting sex quickly seems to be the only aim. The hottest new star is named Ke$ha and her song with pop band 3OH!3 (No I dont understand it either) is called My First Kiss. It sounds innocent but innocence isnt allowed. The lyrics include a request for sex: Lips like licorice tongue like candy / Excuse me Miss but can I get you out of your panties? Another song In My Head is sung by Jason Derulo and features the lyrics Instead of talking let me demonstrate / Yeah / Get down to business lets skip foreplay. Would you like more song sheets for the kiddies? Rihanna is another princess of pop. Her song challenges a boy to make a move: Come here rude boy boy / Can you get it up? / Come here rude boy boy / Is you big enough? She also promises to give it to you harder and turn your body out. The video matches the theme with Rihanna holding one breast putting her finger in her mouth and constantly rotating her hips as she asks her beau to take it take it take it. Is this woman a singer or a stripper? Just one version of this songs video has 90 million plays on YouTube -- just in case youd think no one really pays attention to these things. Rihanna also sings in Rude Boy that she likes the way you pull my hair. The most controversial song of the summer is her duet with the rapper Eminem called Love the Way You Lie. In between Eminems rapping Rihanna repeatedly sings Just gonna stand there and watch me burn / But thats all right because I like the way it hurts / Just gonna stand there and hear me cry / But thats all right because I love the way you lie. There is no shame in this industry. Consider that Rihanna was physically abused by fellow pop star Chris Brown. So she milked the attack to pump up her star power. But what message do young people take from this? The Chicago Sun-Times reported the video (starring actors Dominic Monaghan and Megan Fox) shows an ugly cycle of domestic abuse --- graphically loving fighting drinking shoplifting and ultimately burning down the house. Burning down the house? Thats because Eminem raps I just want her back / I know Im a liar / If she ever tries to f---ing leave again / Ima tie her to the bed and set the house on fire. Like most rappers making no attempt at anger management Eminem loads his songs with profanity and dares the radio programmers to try and bleep them all out. On his first new single Not Afraid Eminem used six F-bombs and three S-words in four minutes. That includes an F-you for Christmas an F the world and an F the universe. That doesnt include the bonus usages of countless other vulgarities. Its clear that the major music companies desperate to ring up sales as their market collapses due to technological change are refusing to exercise any restraint of any kind on these artists they sell. It travels way beyond hipster rebellion into a dark loveless violent underworld. L. Brent Bozell III is the president of the Media Research Center.
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