By Ann Coulter

The two biggest stories this week are WikiLeaks continued publication of classified government documents which did untold damage to Americas national security interests and the Democrats fanatical determination to repeal dont ask dont tell and allow gays to serve openly in the military.
The mole who allegedly gave WikiLeaks the mountains of secret documents is Pfc. Bradley Manning Army intelligence analyst and angry gay.
Weve heard 1 billion times about the Army translator who just wanted to serve his country but was cashiered because of whom he loved.
Ill see your Army translator and raise you one Bradley Manning. According to Bradleys online chats he was in an awkward place both emotionally and psychologically. So in a snit he betrayed his country by orchestrating the greatest leak of classified intelligence in U.S. history.
Isnt that in the Army Code of Conduct? You must follow orders at all times. Exceptions will be made for servicemen in an awkward place. Now who wants a hug? Waitress! Three more apple-tinis!
According to The New York Times Bradley sought moral support from his self-described drag queen boyfriend. Alas he still felt out of sorts. So why not sell out his country?
In an online chat with a computer hacker Bradley said he lifted the hundreds of thousands of classified documents by pretending to be listening to a CD labeled Lady Gaga. Then he acted as if he were singing along with her hit song Telephone while frantically downloading classified documents.
Im not a military man but I think singing along to Lady Gaga would constitute telling under dont ask dont tell.
Do you have to actually wear a dress to be captured by the Armys dont ask dont tell dragnet?
What constitutes being openly gay now? Bringing a spice rack to basic training? Attending morning drills decked out as a Cher impersonator? Following Anderson Cooper on Twitter?
Also U.S. military have you seen a picture of Bradley Manning? The photo Ive seen is only from the waist up but you get the feeling that hes wearing butt-less chaps underneath. He looks like a guy in a soldier costume at the Greenwich Village Halloween parade.
With any luck Bradleys court-martial will be gayer than a Liza Minelli wedding. It could be the first court-martial in U.S. history to feature ice sculptures and a Wizard of Oz-themed gazebo. Are you going to Bradleys court-martial? I hear Patti LaBelle is going to sing!
Maybe theres a reason gays have traditionally been kept out of the intelligence services apart from the fact that closeted gay men are easy to blackmail. Gays have always been suspicious of that rationale and perhaps theyre right.
The most damaging spies in British history were the Cambridge Five also called the Magnificent Five: Kim Philby Guy Burgess Anthony Blunt Donald Maclean and John Cairncross. They were highly placed members of British intelligence all secretly working for the KGB.
The only one who wasnt gay was Philby. Burgess and Blunt were flamboyantly gay. Indeed the Russians set Burgess up with a boyfriend as soon as he defected to the Soviet Union.
The Magnificent Fives American compatriot Michael Straight was -- ironically -- bisexual as was Whittaker Chambers at least during the period that he was a spy. And of course theres David Brock.
So many Soviet spies were gay that according to intelligence reporter Phillip Knightley the Comintern was referred to as the Homintern. (I would have called it the Gay G.B.)
Bradleys friends told the Times they suspected his desperation for acceptance -- or delusions of grandeur may have prompted his document dump.
Lets check our Gay Profile at a Glance and ... lets see ... desperate for acceptance ... delusions of grandeur ... yep theyre both on the gay subset list!
Obviously the vast majority of gays are loyal Americans -- and witty and stylish to boot! But a small percentage of gays are going to be narcissistic hothouse flowers like Bradley Manning.
Couldnt they just work for JetBlue? America would be a lot safer right now if gays in an awkward place psychologically could do no more damage than grabbing a couple of beers and sliding down the emergency chute.
Look at the disaster one gay created under our punishing dont ask dont tell policy. What else awaits America with the overturning of a policy that was probably put there for a reason (apart from being the only thing Bill Clinton ever did that I agreed with)?
Liberals dont care. Their approach is to rip out societys foundations without asking if they serve any purpose.
Why do we have immigration laws? Whats with these borders? Why do we have the institution of marriage anyway? What do we need standardized tests for? Hey I like Keith Richards -- why not make heroin legal? Lets take a sledgehammer to all these load-bearing walls and just see what happens!
For liberals gays in the military is a win-win proposition. Either gays in the military works or it wrecks the military both of which outcomes they enthusiastically support.
But since you brought up gays in the military liberals lets talk about Bradley Manning. He apparently released hundreds of thousands of classified government documents as a result of being a gay man in an awkward place.
Any discussion of dont ask dont tell should begin with Bradley Manning. Live by the sad anecdote die by the sad anecdote.
Ann Coulter is a columnist and author of Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault On America.