Brady: Local Residents Overwhelmingly Oppose Health Care Cap & Trade Proposals

8th Congressional District Issues Survey brady-kevin8 of 10 Frightened" by Level of Washington SpendingWASHINGTON D.C. Local voters are very worried about the direction America is headed and are frightened by the unprecedented level of Washington spending according to the results of U.S. Congressman Kevin Bradys annual Issues Survey released today. Nearly 250000 homes in east and southeast Texas were sent the survey which was included in the congressmans annual Capitol Update newsletter in mid-November. What stood out this year is how strongly my communities reject the agenda the new Congress and White House are trying to push through" said Brady.  Our voters dont buy that stimulus spending has helped the economy or that a public option will lower health care costs. And they overwhelmingly oppose the global warming cap-and-trade scheme championed by the President." In the survey eight of ten respondents said they are very worried" about the direction America is headed. A similar number describe the amount of obama-senatorsWashington spending as frightening." Adding to voter frustration 95 believe that as taxpayers Washington is not listening" to them. In the one bright spot 85 of those surveyed felt Congress should enact Congressman Bradys Spending Reform Act which caps federal spending reforms earmarks sunsets wasteful programs and forces Congress to make Medicare and Social Security solvent. Clearly there is a huge disconnect between the new Democratic government in Washington and local Texas families" warned Brady. Washington needs to stop all the dangerous spending and big government solutions and start listening to middle-class Americans."
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