BRADY: Mr. President We Want Our Energy Jobs Back

Bipartisan Report on BP Spill says no moratorium is needed   width=96Texas Insider Report: Washington D.C. If this moratorium is no longer needed Mr. President we want our jobs back  said U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady. Nearly 24000 energy workers have lost their jobs since the Obama Administration imposed a drilling moratorium that a new report prepared by the Bipartisan Policy Group for the presidential commission investigating the Deepwater Horizon blowout -- says is not needed at this time.    By the administrations own analysis the idling of 33 rigs may have already cost the Gulf coast region 23247 jobs. Rigs began leaving the Gulf this summer and drillers are raising concerns about the Obama administrations new permitting rules and regulations that -- even if the moratorium is lifted -- could create a de facto moratorium extending through next summer. Whats the plan to restore the jobs lost due to the moratorium? asked Brady (R-Texas) the Senior House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee. Right now this administrations anti-American energy agenda is adding insult to injury lamented Brady. Not only are our coastal communities dealing with an environmental catastrophe this administrations handling of the moratorium and width=149permit process is turning the situation into an economic catastrophe Brady said. Energy workers who understandably feel they are invisible to this administration are speaking out ahead of a September 7th hearing on the drilling moratorium in Houston. They plan to make their voices heard this Wednesday at a lunchtime rally at the George R. Brown Convention Center. This is a very similar situation to what is happening in the shallow waters right now added Brady. While there is no shallow water moratorium on the books the permitting process has slowed to a crawl. Mr. President you banned deepwater drilling you are dragging your feet in the shallow waters and energy companies are leaving the Gulf. Enough is enough" concluded Brady. Americas energy workers want their jobs back!"
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