Published: 05-22-07

AUSTIN – The Tarrant County area workforce will benefit from an $864590 job-training grant from the Skills Development Fund that the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) administers. Tarrant County College (TCC) has partnered with an eight-member business consortium to provide the training.
The grant will be used to create or upgrade 897 jobs including aircraft assemblers engineering specialists printing machine operators retail salespersons marketing and sales managers shipping clerks production workers and more. Upon completion of training workers will earn an average hourly wage of $15.34. The business consortium includes Bell Helicopter TEXTRON Motheral Printing Co. OBIM Fresh-Cut Fruit Co. Liberty Carton Co. PCI/Hawk Electronics Sealy Mattress Co. Miller Brewing Co. Fort Worth Brewery and Ropak Corp.
“Responding to the workforce needs of Texas’ employers is one of our top priorities and the Skills Development Fund is one of the best methods we have for doing that” said TWC Chair Diane Rath. “With this grant area employers gain a custom-trained workforce workers learn valuable skills and the community benefits through added jobs and economic development.”
In Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Skills Development Fund grants created or upgraded 14090 jobs which paid an average hourly wage of $19.22. The FY 2006 grants assisted 125 Texas employers with their customized training needs. The Legislature has appropriated $40.5 million to the Skills Development Fund for the 2006-07 biennium.
Employers seeking more information about the Skills Development Fund may visit the TWC Web site at
Tarrant County College contact: Jan Morgan at (817) 515-4324 or
The Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency dedicated to helping Texas employers workers and communities prosper economically. For details on TWC and the services it offers in unison with its network of local workforce development boards call (512) 463-8556 or visit