Business Group Political Arm Makes Endorsements for 2008 Texas Candidates

Published: 02-05-08

AUSTIN - The Texas Association of Business (TAB) political arm the Business and Commerce Political Action Committee (BACPAC) today announced their endorsement of 2008 candidates for state and federal office.

“These lawmakers and candidates understand that a strong economy benefits all Texans” said BACPAC spokesman Bill Hammond.
BACPAC a committee consisting of TAB members considered 100 possible endorsements.  Decisions were based on candidate interviews questionnaires and TAB’s voting record of incumbent legislators.

TAB’s BACPAC endorsed only in a limited number of Congressional races as well as races for the Texas House and Senate. Additional endorsements will be decided this summer prior to the General Election on November 4.

BACPAC’s endorsements are listed below.

BACPAC Endorsements for 2008 Primary Election

U. S. Senate
Senator        John Cornyn

U.S. House of Representatives
Dist. 1        Louis Gohmert
Dist. 2        Ted Poe
Dist. 3        Sam Johnson
Dist. 4        Ralph Hall
Dist. 5        Jeb Hensarling        
Dist. 10        Michael McCaul
Dist. 11        Mike Conaway
Dist. 14        Ron Paul
Dist. 21        Lamar Smith      
State Senate
Dist. 4        Tommy Williams
Dist. 24        Troy Fraser
Dist. 28        Robert Duncan
Dist. 30        Craig Estes
Dist. 31        Kel Seliger

Texas House
Dist. 2        Dan Flynn
Dist. 4        Betty Brown
Dist. 5        Bryan Hughes
Dist. 6        Leo Berman
Dist. 7        Tommy Merritt
Dist. 8        Byron Cook
Dist. 10        Jim Pitts
Dist. 13        Lois Kolkhorst
Dist. 14        Fred Brown
Dist. 15        Rob Eissler
Dist. 16        Brandon Creighton
Dist. 21        Alan Ritter
Dist. 24        Larry Taylor
Dist. 25        Dennis Bonnen
Dist. 26        Charlie Howard
Dist. 30         Geanie Morrison
Dist. 31        Ryan Guillen
Dist. 40        Aaron Pena
Dist. 44        Edmund Kuempel
Dist. 53        Harvey Hilderbran
Dist. 54        Jimmie Don Aycock
Dist. 55        John Alaniz
Dist. 56        Charles ‘Doc’ Anderson
Dist. 61        Phil King
Dist. 65        Burt Solomons
Dist. 66        Brian McCall
Dist. 67        Jerry Madden
Dist. 68        Rick Hardcastle
Dist. 69        David Farabee
Dist. 70        Ken Paxton
Dist. 71        Susan King
Dist. 72        Drew Darby
Dist. 73        Nathan Macias
Dist. 78        Pat Haggerty
Dist. 80        Tracy King
Dist. 81        Buddy West
Dist. 82        Tom Craddick
Dist. 84        Carl Isett
Dist. 87        David Swinford
Dist. 88        Warren Chisum
Dist. 89        Jodie Laubenberg
Dist. 94        Diane Patrick
Dist. 99        Charlie Geren
Dist. 101        Thomas Latham
Dist. 112        Angie Button
Dist. 114        Will Hartnett
Dist. 115        Jim Jackson
Dist. 121        Joe Strauss
Dist. 122        Frank Corte
Dist. 127        Joe Crabb
Dist. 128        Wayne Smith
Dist. 129        John Davis
Dist. 130        Corbin Van Arsdale
Dist. 132        Bill Callegari
Dist. 136        Beverly Woolley
Dist. 144        Ken Legler
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