Elected Officials Health Care Experts to Address Texas Business Leaders
Published: 01-22-08
Published: 01-22-08

For a third-straight year Texas Governor Rick Perry will headline the Annual Conference awards luncheon where the 2008 winners of the “Best Companies to Work for in Texas” will be announced.
Other top-ranking Texas officials including Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst who will kick-off the event as well as Speaker of the House Tom Craddick and Comptroller Susan Combs will present their previews of the upcoming 2009 legislative session.
The two-day event begins Thursday January 24 at 1:30 pm and adjourns Friday January 25 after lunch.
A full list of activities is found below. All Annual Conference activities are open to the press. Updates to the schedule are posted at www.txbix.org.
If you are interested in attending one or more of the scheduled events please contact Suzanne Tomlin at TAB by phone 512-477-6721 x.104 or e-mail stomlin@txbiz.org.
Who: Texas Association of Business
What: Annual Conference
The Future of Health Care in Texas: Our Vision for Tomorrow
The Future of Health Care in Texas: Our Vision for Tomorrow
When: January 24-25 2008
Where: Renaissance Austin Hotel
9721 Arboretum Boulevard
Austin Texas 78759:
9721 Arboretum Boulevard
Austin Texas 78759: