- State Board of Education Resolution
What I think most Texans believe is dont take federal dollars if its got strings attached that could end up costing us more in the long run than the benefits we are getting."
- Rep. Larry Phillips (KTEN News Jan. 15 2010)
The Governor is right - the history of federal legislation is more paper work and eventually a settling of requirements that leads to mediocrity. We dont need the federal dollars. We do need stable appropriate long term funding of our schools within our budget. We do need local parents involved in their schools with a timely meaningful voice. We do need well paid teachers and administrators and appropriate facilities. We do need a system that encourages creativity and best practices. All of these issues make successful schools - none of them are provided by federal dollars - nor should they be. The Governor is right and this move toward more federal involvement in our local schools will ultimately diminish our voice and control of the education of our children."
- Paul Sadler former Chairman of Public Education Texas House of Representatives (Dallas Morning News Jan. 16 2010)
Those are factors that you have to consider also to make sure were doing whats best and also that we can fund it for future years."- Dr. Al Hambrick superintendent Sherman Independent School District (KTEN News Jan. 15 2010)
… the federal requirements do not fall in line with our districts objectives for the future."- Canyon Independent School District (KFDA TV Jan. 14 2010)
… concerned anytime the federal government entrenches on states rights and local control of public education with the lure of money."- Amarillo Independent School District (KFDA TV Jan. 14 2010)
As it is these federal funds would have only been available for two years and thus would not have allowed us to hire new employees."- Mark Youngs deputy superintendent Keller Independent School District (Fort Worth Star Telegram Jan. 14 2010)
- Janice Cooper superintendent Lake Worth Independent School District (Fort Worth Star Telegram Jan. 14 2010)
The federal government is trying to dictate to the states what to do and in some cases that may not be a bad thing but in Texas we are further along than some of the other states are." -Jimmy Loredo assistant superintendent of finance Ysleta Independent School District (El Paso Times Jan. 14 2010)