By Texas State Rep. Bill Callegari
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas Most of us have been there: sitting in traffic waiting for a red light to change as no cross-traffic goes by. Then there are the times when the traffic signal finally turns green and you go straight to another red light. And then another ...
Throw in a screaming kid a broken air conditioner in the Texas heat or a late appointment and this scenario translates into a recipe for high blood pressure and possibly a few words that might earn a PG-13 rating (or worse).
The US Department of Transportation identifies poor traffic signal timing as a major contributor to traffic delays on major roadways:
- Bad things happen the longer cars idle in poorly managed traffic.
- Productive hours are wasted.
- Waiting vehicles burn more gasoline increasing harmful emissions.
- Drivers attempting to avoid poorly timed traffic lights may cut through residential neighborhoods creating a safety hazard.
- Motorist frustration increases driving some to road rage.
More critically poorly timed traffic signals cause the inefficient use of public roadways.
Taxpayers do not pay for roads in the hopes of one day suffering in traffic at the mercy of a poorly programmed signal. To the contrary public roads

are built to effectively and safely move traffic from one destination to another. Poorly timed traffic signals can ruin a public roads purpose.
Fixing these signals helps move traffic.
Some Texas cities have already taken the lead in improving their traffic signal operations with measured results. In 2007 Austin traffic engineers implemented changes to their traffic signal management that resulted in a 9.8 percent overall reduction in travel time for major arterials reducing traffic delays by 2.3 million hours.
These changes contributed to a 3.5 percent reduction in fuel consumption saving nearly 1.3 million gallons of gas and millions in motorists dollars.
In Plano installation of a new traffic signal system coupled with improved system management amounted to a fuel savings of 848000 gallons 745000 fewer hours of traffic delay and an operating cost reduction of nearly $13.3 million.
Broader studies corroborate with Austins and Planos experiences: better traffic signal management can result in a 10 to 15 percent improvement in mobility and reduce fuel consumption by nearly 10 percent. More advanced improvements can decrease travel time by as much as 25 percent.
Traffic signal improvements do not come cheap. Installing state-of-the-art signals at a standard four-way intersection costs between $90000 to $160000.
Beyond financial resources our state and local transportation agencies need more personnel with experience in the art and science of traffic signal

The benefits of better traffic signal operations outweigh costs however. One program administered in Texas in the mid-1990s found a 32 to 1 benefit to cost ratio where every dollar spent to improve traffic lights saved motorists $32 in time and fuel. Despite this success the program was discontinued for lack of funding.
Clearly better management of our traffic lights works to improve mobility and reduce congestion while allowing for the better efficient use of existing roads. Unfortunately the tenor of todays transportation policy debate centers on the need to build -- and pay for -- more roads to meet Texas future transportation needs.
Certainly absent an unforeseen revolution in everyday commuting we will need more roads.
Building roads is expensive too however.
Texas Department of Transportation estimates that converting an urban non-freeway to a freeway costs $8.5 million per lane mile while widening an existing urban freeway costs between $7.9 to $11 million per mile. Expanding a rural roadway from two to four lanes costs $1.2 million per mile.
Multiply these figures against hundreds of miles of needed roads and the final price tag is staggering.
Expanding our policy focus to include improving traffic light signalization and management -- as the
House Transportation Committee has done under the leadership of Chairman Joe Pickett -- shifts the discussion from paying for more roads to maximizing the efficient use of those that taxpayers already paid for.
Solutions do exist here.
For example cities and counties can work on installing smart light systems or expanding the corps of specialists with the expertise and know-how to best manage traffic signal system. Other solutions may be more low-tech
such as using blinking yellow lights on some streets during off peak periods or using signage to allow traffic to move more freely.
Looking forward better traffic signal management will not be a panacea obviating the need for more roads. Rather improved traffic light signalization is a proven

solution that improves mobility while saving motorists time and reducing fuel consumption and emissions.
All of this comes cheaper than building new roadway.
Representative Callegari represents the west Harris County & Katy areas in the Texas House of Representatives. He currently serves on the House Transportation Committee and as chairman of the House Transportation Sub-Committee on Traffic Improvement. Callegari is a licensed professional engineer.