Calling all Green&" Artistic Creative High School Students

By Jeff Wentworth
State Senator District 25
Published: 11-26-07

Artistically talented and environmentally conscious Texas high school students should enjoy participating in a statewide Drive a Clean Machine logo contest to promote the AirCheck Texas Repair and Replacement Assistance program.

The Texas Legislature created the program in an effort to remove older more polluting vehicles from Texas roadways in certain counties with high ground-level ozone.  
Texas high school students who are currently in grades 9 through 12 may enter the contest.  The top 10 students teachers and schools will be recognized and invited to attend a public meeting at the State Capitol in Austin where the students’ artwork will be displayed.

The contest also offers a $3000 first prize a $2000 second prize a $1000 third prize and $500 prizes for fourth fifth and sixth places.  Student winners’ teachers will receive first through sixth place prizes of $1500 $1000 $500 and $250 respectively.

In addition to the Capitol recognition and monetary prize the winner will have his or her entry showcased statewide as the logo on AirCheck Texas Repair and Replacement Assistance Program materials. 

All logo entries must incorporate the program slogan Drive a Clean Machine and should represent the concept that newer less-polluting cars help reduce air pollution.

Entry rules are very clear.  Each student may submit only one entry.

Logo entries must be original and produced by the student.  They must be created by hand using any medium such as paint colored pencils or crayons; however no photographs digital or mounted work are allowed. 

The logo must be submitted on white 8.5 by 11 inch paper.  Use only three colors; black is counted as one of the three colors.  Electronic copies will not be accepted.

Each entry must be accompanied by a completed contest application.  An application is available on the Internet at  At the site click on “Logo Contest.”

January 4 2008 is the deadline for submitting entries.  A committee will review all qualifying entries.  Finalists’ entries will be submitted to a blue ribbon panel of judges for final selection.

The panel’s decision will be final.  Winners will be announced at a public meeting at the State Capitol in Austin.  Finalists will be invited to attend.

All rights to contest entries including copyright ownership and reproduction rights will become the property of the State of Texas.  Entries will not be returned.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality will have the right to modify the winning logo to improve reproduction quality.

Entries should be submitted to Drive A Clean Machine Logo Contest
Post Office Box 12068 Austin TX 78711.

I encourage students throughout Senate District 25 to enter the contest.  If any student does not have access to the Internet please call either of my offices for information.  The Capitol Office number is (512) 463-0125 while the San Antonio District Office number is (210) 826-7800.
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