Disappointed by Passage but Heartened By Texans Speaking Out

WASHINGTON D.C. After weeks of threats and special deals Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats narrowly approved 220-211 an unpopular health care measure that reshapes one-sixth of Americas economy and expands government into nearly every aspect of the nations health care system.
U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) the top House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee and a leading opponent of the measure made the following statement:
This bill is a terrible mistake because bigger government doesnt mean better health care" said Brady. But I am inspired and heartened by the tens of thousands of everyday Texans in my district who stood up the past year to make their voices heard and to join with a new generation of Americans who insist that Congress listen to them or risk the consequences."
To them I say dont give up this isnt over yet. Lets continue to fight it together to challenge it at every turn and when the time is right to repeal it."