Camp Mabry Receives Grant from Department of Defense

Published: 09-22-08

width=65AUSTIN Texas (Sept. 19 2008) – Camp Mabry has been awarded a grant through Department of Defense’s Legacy Funding Program.  This grant will be used to participate in National Public Lands Day on Saturday September 27 2008 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at historical Camp Mabry.

National Public Lands Day is the nation’s largest hands-on volunteer effort to improve and enhance the public lands Americans enjoy.  This event is expected to involve more than 120000 volunteers at 51 sites across the country making this the largest public lands clean up since the efforts of the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930’s.

On September 27th about 80 plus volunteers including Girl Scouts Boy Scouts Austin Parks and Recreation Department and the Travis Audubon Society will work on three projects around the grounds at Mabry that will enhance the natural resources on post and provide wildlife viewing opportunities.

The City of Austin has registered to become a certified Community Wildlife Habitat.  This program is run through the National Wildlife Federation.  There are only 25 certified Community Wildlife Habitats found in the United States and 35 registered communities.  Currently here are none certified in Texas that is until Saturday September 27th at Camp Mabry.  Camp Mabry will be certified as a wildlife habitat and a certification ceremony will be held in the near future.

On the morning of Public Lands Day opening remarks and a brief welcome will be given by Lt. Gen. (TX) Charles G. Rodriguez The Adjutant General of Texas in the Auditorium of Building 82.  All volunteers and media are asked to meet in the parking lot between the track/parade field and Building 10. 

For more information or to volunteer contact Carrie Cate at 512.782.6227

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