Published: 12-10-07

“Americans are looking for Congress to produce an energy bill that makes use of the resources and technologies we have available in an effort to deliver the most affordable energy we can to those who need it most” Carter said. “In order to do this we need to unlock new supply encourage conservation and promote the research and innovation necessary to develop new technologies.”
“But unfortunately the Democrats so called “energy bill” includes none of these” Carter continued. “Instead they impose $21 billion dollars of new taxes on America’s domestic energy produces costs that are sure to be felt by American consumers. In Texas we understand that this bill is bad for business and bad for American families.”
The bill also includes a mandate requiring states to meet a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) which requires all states to produce 15 percent of their electricity from renewable resources. For Texas this means that consumers will pay an additional $700 million in energy costs from 2010 to 2030 because like many other southern states Texas lacks the resources to meet this mandate.
NOTE: Also included in the Democrat Energy Bill are:
• Hidden Earmarks:
Sen. Baucus $161 million earmark for the Plum Creek Timber Company’s Montana
• Land Holdings for “native fish habitat conservation.” An earmark to a timber company for fish conservation.
• Chairman Rangel $2 billion earmark for the state of New York to develop a rail line from the JFK Airport to lower Manhattan.
• Money for Al Gore and Hollywood: a $3 billion fund for “green” projects like…
• Financing a speaking tour by former Vice President Al Gore to promote his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.”
• Replacing police cars in Beverly Hills with Lexus Hybrids.
• Buying energy-efficient hybrid snow-mobiles for ski resorts in Aspen.
• Completion of an indoor rainforest in Iowa.
• Energy Assistance to Foreign Countries: $200 million in assistance for countries like China and India to develop energy technologies purchase oil and increase coal plants.
• Hidden Earmarks:
Sen. Baucus $161 million earmark for the Plum Creek Timber Company’s Montana
• Land Holdings for “native fish habitat conservation.” An earmark to a timber company for fish conservation.
• Chairman Rangel $2 billion earmark for the state of New York to develop a rail line from the JFK Airport to lower Manhattan.
• Money for Al Gore and Hollywood: a $3 billion fund for “green” projects like…
• Financing a speaking tour by former Vice President Al Gore to promote his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.”
• Replacing police cars in Beverly Hills with Lexus Hybrids.
• Buying energy-efficient hybrid snow-mobiles for ski resorts in Aspen.
• Completion of an indoor rainforest in Iowa.
• Energy Assistance to Foreign Countries: $200 million in assistance for countries like China and India to develop energy technologies purchase oil and increase coal plants.