Carter Fights to Save House Reforms

Published: 01-06-09

Democrats Plan First-Day Assault on Term Limits and Open Debates

width=65(WASHINGTON DC) – In a startling grab to consolidate power by stifling political dissent Democrat leaders in the House of Representatives plan to roll back congressional reforms in place for over a decade which gives all House Members the right to offer amendments and sets term limits for Committee Chairmen and Speaker of the House.  

“This is an incredible in-your-face attempt to take the House of Representatives back to the corrupt closed-doors political culture of the 40-years that Democrats controlled the House prior to 1995” says U.S. Rep. John Carter (R-TX).  

“Rule packages like the ones we will see tomorrow foster nothing but political corruption and blind partisanship exactly what the American public says they are sick of and which Democrats said they opposed during the campaign.  Now they’re trying to pull what we call a ‘bait and switch” in Texas and the American voter will end up cheated if they succeed.”

Carter a former Texas judge and Secretary of the House Republican Conference joined all member of the House Republican elected officers in blasting the legislative scheme in a joint letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Democrats plan to steamroll through new rules tomorrow for the incoming 111th Congress which would gut many current good-government safeguards including term limits for Committee Chairs bans on proxy voting in committee open rules to amend bills on the House floor and “sunshine” rules requiring committee hearings and votes be open to the public and the media.

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