Published: 09-18-07

“My staff has worked with many constituents looking for help in expediting their passports over the summer. Thanks to the State Department many travelers who would have missed their summer vacations due to a delay in receiving their passports were able to travel with proof of a passport application” Congressman Carter said.
“However this accommodation will no longer apply to any travelers after September 30. I would encourage any citizen traveling out of the United States to apply for their passports as soon as possible so we can avoid the severe backlog we experienced at the beginning of the summer.”
Effective Oct. 1 2007 U.S. citizens traveling by air to Canada Mexico the Caribbean and Bermuda must present a passport or other WHTI-compliant document to enter or depart from the United States. U.S. citizens who depart the country under the proof of application accommodation prior to October 1 will be readmitted with these same documents if returning to the United States after September 30.
Please note: Currently citizens traveling by vehicle or on a cruise across the border to Mexico or Canada do not need a passport but must show government-issued identification. U.S. citizens arriving by land and sea must prove that they are U.S. citizens. This rule may change as early as January 2008 when the Departments of Homeland Security and State begin to implement the WHTI at land and sea ports of entry.
For more information on passport regulations visit