Caught Your Breath Yet? Its Time for Action . . .Again!

By Bobby Eberle
Published: 06-19-07

Two weeks ago there was a small victory for conservatives. Grassroots activists showed that by mobilizing and making their voices heard they could have a real effect on the legislative process. The Senate’s immigration bill was moving along and grassroots conservatives helped bring it to a halt. Great job! However the bill wasn’t dead; it was merely wounded. Now the bill is back and it’s time for all of us once again to fight for what is right.

The grassroots victory earlier this month sent shock waves to Washington. The “down and out” conservative base was able to get focused and energized and the results were amazing. The immigration bill was pulled from the Senate floor and President Bush was dealt a blow for pushing amnesty for illegal aliens. But now the administration is back at it.
The president met with Senate Republicans last week and promised to immediately fund the border security provisions of the bill. As noted in the Washington Times President Bush this morning proposed spending $4.4 billion on border security as the first step in a comprehensive immigration reform bill in the White House’s latest effort to resurrect the bill that failed last week.…

The White House has acknowledged this week that the bill which stalled last week and was pulled off the Senate floor failed in part because there is massive grass-roots skepticism about the government’s sincerity and ability to secure the border.

The president and some members of the Senate are trying to tell the American people that this bill is somehow different than the bill that died two weeks ago. It isn’t. It’s the exact same thing and promises for border funding don’t change the fact that it is a bad bill which rewards illegal activity.

What’s startling is that the Washington Times quotes the president as saying “We’ve got to summon the political courage to move forward on immigration reform. Doing nothing is not a solution.”

Doing nothing is not a solution? Hmmmm…. isn’t that exactly what we’ve been doing for years? It seems that all we’ve needed from the White House over the past six years is political courage to actually enforce the laws we have and protect our borders. No amount of money will do the trick if the government doesn’t have the political will to prosecute and deport those who come into this country illegally.

We must all act now to keep the immigration bill in the grave! Please call your senators and the White House and tell them we want border security and enforcement of existing employment laws.
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