Charter Schools Fill the Gap Deserve Chance to Grow

David Dunn Executive Director Texas Charter Schools Association Sen. Patricks SB 1830 moves out of Senate Education Committee with Shapiros backing width=65To the 90000 Texas students attending public charter schools and the 17000 potential students on waitlists Senate Bill 1830 and House Bill 3703 are the most important pieces of legislation in this 81st session.   Through this legislation Im optimistic that were on a path toward strengthening the quality and capacity of all charters which in turn strengthens the overall public education system. Today the charter movement in Texas is very different from years past.  The full range of public charter schools from college prep to drop-out prevention schools have come together to speak with one voice through the Texas Charter Schools Association (TCSA).  TCSA is the leading membership organization of effective public charter schools representing over 53000 students across Texas --- which equals well over 1/2 of the students currently enrolled in Texas open enrollment charter schools.  While fewer than 40 of Americans know that charter schools are public schools they are publicly funded subject to the same accountability as traditional schools and must meet certain goals spelled out in a performance contract known as a charter" thats awarded by the state or a local school board.  Charter schools are more popular than ever now enrolling about 1.4 million students in more than 4600 schools in 40 states.  width=140Charter schools are particularly effective in taking low-income students and children of color-- those often left behind" by traditional urban school districts -- and pointing them toward higher achievement.  A number of charter schools are producing phenomenal gains with these students inspiring a love of learning and instilling the discipline needed to succeed in college and beyond. In Texas the number of open-enrollment charters is currently capped at 215 (excluding university-sponsored charters).  In order for the State Board of Education to grant any new charters the cap needs to be lifted or increased.  Senate Bill 1830 would allow the State Board of Education to grant 20 additional charters each fiscal year allowing innovative and accountable charter schools to thrive. SB 1830 allows for a more streamlined renewal process for charters with proven success as they seek to expand.  Senate Bill 1830 allows charter holders to establish new campuses if at least 90 percent of existing campuses are rated academically acceptable or higher.   As the charter school movement continues so will the need and the demand for the highest quality charters with proven success.  As we keep cracking the code on what works in certain communities and classrooms we need to leverage that understanding so the maximum number of public school students can benefit. Beyond quantity we are raising the quality of charter schools through this legislation.  House Bill 3703 seeks to modernize Chapter 12 of the Education Code by addressing the inadequacies in current law specifically inequitable facility funding for charter facilities.  The same funding provision was originally included in the Senate version of the bill and we hope it can be re-evaluated before the bill reaches the floor.  Additionally Senate Bill 1830 provides incentives for co-location with traditional ISDs and helps clarify drop-out computations. At the association we are also taking responsibility to improve the operations of the vast majority of charter schools. Every single member of TCSA must sign a quality pledge to become a member.  TCSA is currently developing that quality framework and a benchmarking process for member schools that will provide a pathway to instructional and financial advice help establish critical plans and controls and ultimately improve charter school quality across the board in Texas.  Education reform in Texas is a shared responsibility -- school success starts with strong policy where educators are provided both the chance to innovate and the subsequent responsibility to uphold quality standards.
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