New vegetation line allows community to move forward after Hurricane Ike

AUSTIN - Representative Wayne Christian discussed the announcement from the General Land Office regarding the establishment of a permanent line of vegetation on the Bolivar Peninsula.
The new line which is set at 200 feet above mean sea level will keep the public beach intact while allowing residents to rebuild their homes on their property that remains behind the line.
This past session the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 770 by Representative Donna Howard (D-Travis) with an amendment by Representative Mike Hamilton (R-Hardin Newton Orange) that maintained public access to the beach on Bolivar Peninsula while protecting the private property rights of local landowners. Previously if a new vegetation line crossed any part of a private citizens property the government was able to seize the entire piece of land regardless of how far landward it extended. Instead of having their land automatically seized as a result of landward movement of the vegetation line after a storm the new law allows property owners to rebuild on their property that remains behind the line.
I am pleased that after reviewing the situation Commissioner Patterson has agreed with the Texas Legislature and the Governor to give these devastated residents basic direction in how to proceed with rebuilding their community Representative Christian stated. I have been an outspoken advocate for the expedited recovery of this area and appreciate the General Land Office for addressing this issue.
The establishment of the vegetation line comes one year after the destructive storm.
I understand how important open access to public beaches is to the citizens of our state and visitors alike. At the same time government should not ignore private property rights especially when there is a better solution available. With the announcement of an established vegetation line and the implementation of the amendment that allows residents to rebuild on their property behind this line I think we have adequately addressed both issues said Representative Christian.
It is crucial that we give coastal communities the tools they need to quickly recover after a storm Representative Christian added. Throughout this process my goal has been to help revitalize the Bolivar Peninsula economy as quickly as possible by allowing residents to rebuild. Now that they have been provided with the necessary direction from the General Land Office I look forward to seeing this community thrive in the near future.