Three local community leaders have been elected to lead Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (CALA) of Central Texas a nonprofit legal watchdog group for 2010. The officers will steer CALA in its mission to raise public awareness about the cost and consequences of lawsuit abuse.
Clay McPhail president and CEO Cozumel Restaurant Group operating as El Arroyo passed his chairmanship over to Roger Borgelt partner at Potts & Reilly LLP. Cliff Collier Dealer Manager Howdy Honda will be the new vice chairman. Serving as secretary/treasurer will be Darryl Jordan vice president of risk management and chief risk officer Seton Family of Hospitals.
Joining the Board is Will C. Jones IV principal of The Jones Law Firm with offices in Austin and San Antonio.
Will a native of Central Texas brings great energy to our organization and has a dedicated history of involvement with reforms in Texas" Borgelt said.
Also re-elected as Board members for 2010 are:
• Dr. C. Mark Chassay manager and physician Texas Sports & Family Medicine
• Karen Easterling State Farm Insurance
• Chip Hough managing partner Basic Industries of South Texas
• Bobby Jenkins president of ABC Pest and Lawn Services
• Clay McPhail president and CEO Cozumel Restaurant Group operating as El Arroyo
• Jill Shackelford president Industrial Asphalt Inc.
• Andy Tewell president Central Texas Equipment.
• Paul Workman secretary Workman Commercial Construction Services Ltd.
For more information about CALA of Central Texas visit