Claim Your EITC and Invest in RGV Community

Representative Veronica Gonzales – District 41
Published: 03-04-08

width=65Tax season is upon us and for many that means a tax refund. For the thousands of tax payers who live paycheck to paycheck a tax refund can help to pay the phone bill for the month and buy groceries.

According to IRS reports $50 million in earned income tax credit benefits were not claimed by low-income taxpayers in Hidalgo County - nearly $33 million unclaimed EITC benefits in McAllen Edinburg Pharr-San Juan-Alamo and Mission alone. Not only is this money not going into the pockets of Hidalgo County workers but this money is also a loss for our Valley economy.

Consider becoming an IRS certified tax-preparer volunteer or help get the word out about VITA services to claim EITC benefits for qualifying workers. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Project (VITA) provides free help to low-to moderate income workers who need assistance preparing their own tax returns.

Increasing tax returns for Valley families is an investment in self-sufficiency and results in a better economy for us all.

Claim Your EITC and Invest in RGV Community
The McAllen EITC Project is under way to effectively increase the number of low and moderate-income workers who learn about EITC/VITA (Earned Income Tax Credit/Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) directly from their employers and will claim at least $2.2 of an estimated $50 million EITC unclaimed refunds in Hidalgo County during the 2008 tax season.

These unclaimed refunds are a loss to working-poor tax payers who are kept further away from opportunities to create savings invest in the local economy and plan a better household budget.

From January 22 through April 12 free tax assistance is available at the Palm View Community Center on Monday Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 - 7:30 pm and Saturday 9:30 - 1:30 pm. IRS certified tax preparer volunteers are available during tax season to help qualified filers claim the EITC with their tax return.

Low to moderate income tax filers often do not realize they can claim this credit because they have limited financial literacy dealing with their finances on a cash-only basis. The Earned Income Tax Credit is based on income family filing status and number of children.

For a household with two or more children and a total income of $39783 or less in 2007 the tax payer could be eligible to claim as much as $4716 while a family with one child could be eligible to claim up to $2853. A common misconception that single filers cannot claim EITC is incorrect as a single person earning less than $13000 may be eligible to claim up to $428 for his refund.

Through extensive outreach efforts by employers and community groups thousands of Hidalgo County workers currently out of the financial mainstream can be reached to claim previously disregarded EITC funds. Employers are strongly encouraged to provide flyers and posters to employees directly reminding them about EITC/VITA.

The VITA Program offers free tax help to low- to moderate-income (generally $40000 and below) people who cannot prepare their own tax returns. Certified volunteers sponsored by various organizations receive training to help prepare basic tax returns in communities across the country. VITA sites are generally located at community and neighborhood centers libraries schools shopping malls and other convenient locations. Most locations also offer free electronic filing. To locate the nearest VITA site call 1-800-829-1040.

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