Club for Growth Praises Giulianis Economic Commitments

Asks about Social Security Free Trade & Regulation
Published: 06-13-07

Washington - The Club for Growth applauded Rudy Giuliani for committing himself today to work towards cutting wasteful spending; cutting taxes and tax reform; free-market solutions to healthcare; legal reform; and school choice but questioned why the former New York City Mayor omitted the equally important issues of Social Security reform free trade and regulatory reform.

“Giuliani’s list of commitments today and his eight-year record as the mayor of New York City demonstrate his overall belief in pro-growth free-market principles” said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey.   “However the omission of free trade entitlement reform—Social Security in particular—and regulatory reform—are disappointing.”
America’s entitlement programs are indisputably unsustainable and Social Security reform in particular cries out for leadership.  In the past Giuliani has been receptive towards using personal savings accounts to solve the Social Security crisis and to create an opportunity for working Americans to accumulate wealth.  This reform deserves to be near the top of Giuliani’s list of commitments.
Despite the fact that free trade is a precondition for strong economic growth many in Congress are clearly bent on adopting protectionist policies.  Given Giuliani’s 1993 opposition to NAFTA we hope that his commitment to “expand America’s involvement in the global economy and strengthen our reputation around the world” includes a strong support for expanding free trade.

Congress is showing an alarming propensity for regulating private enterprise whether it is Sarbanes Oxley CAFE standards or carbon caps.  As mayor Giuliani often fought to lighten government’s heavy hand on the private sector.  His list of commitments ought to include a pledge to carry on the same fight at the federal level.

“Giuliani’s twelve commitments reflect a solid free-market philosophy that is vital for the country’s long-term economic health” Mr. Toomey continued.  “We encourage Rudy Giuliani to strengthen his platform by including a commitment to personal Social Security accounts an explicit endorsement of free trade and a lighter regulatory hand.”
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