Co-Author Rep. Alonzo Votes for CHIP Expansion Insurance For Texas Children

HB 2962 passes House with bi-partisan support width=65Austin TX -  Today co-author of a key insurance measure Texas State Representative Roberto R. Alonzo of Dallas applauded his House colleagues who joined him in a bi-partisan effort last Friday in voting for the expansion and restoration of the CHIP insurance program for thousands of Texas children. In a 87-55 vote the house will be bringing back the much-need insurance coverage for over 80000 low-income uninsured children across the state that had been left out during the 2003 legislative session.  Rep. Alonzo is co-author of House Bill 2962. Without a doubt I am proud to have been courageously joined by colleagues on the House floor - Democrats and Republicans alike - who cast the majority votes to help restore and expand the Childrens Health Insurance Program or CHIP for the neediest children of Texas.  This CHIP program which was  established in 1999 in Texas provides much-needed primary and preventive health insurance coverage for thousands of low-income uninsured children who need it the most.  My attitude has always been that we must put our money where are mouths are and provide the necessary preventive coverage early in their lives when we can help prevent illness and disease  or we will have to pay 10- or 20-fold in more expensive costs  when we may have to spend millions more in emergency health care incurable terminal illnesses or extended hospital stays said Rep. Alonzo. The CHIP program was first established in 1999 during the 76th legislative session but other legislation enacted during the 78th session in 2003 as a result of HB 2292 cut over 100000 children from the health insurance coverage rolls.   HB 2962 this session will increase enrollment in and public awareness of the CHIP program.  Additionally it will implement a sliding scale to cover uninsured children from working families earning from 200 to 300 percent of the federal poverty level.  Furthermore the latest measure will also include a full cost buy-in option at no cost to the state for children from families with a net income from 300-400 percent of the federal poverty level who were previously enrolled but lost coverage due to an increase in income.  Most importantly HB 2962 excludes child support payments and assets in college saving plans from being considered when determining eligibility for programs like CHIP and Medicaid. I am proud indeed to go bat for the innocent voiceless children of Texas because they deserve our love and support.  There is no doubt in my mind that any investment we make in our children today - including adequate health insurance coverage - will translate into savings in the future many times over.  And unless we take care of them now we may be faced with much more serious problems and costly expenses later if we fail to act as policymakers continued Rep. Alonzo.
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