Land Office hosts 2007 Fall Conference with American Shore & Beach Preservation Association
Published: 10-08-07
Published: 10-08-07

Jerry Patterson Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office and John Paul Woodley Jr. Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works will be keynote speakers.
The four-day coastal conference begins Sunday Oct. 21 with field trips and will feature three days of information-packed breakout sessions that will cover a wide variety of coastal issues including the latest research on sand-sources coastal economics project management coastal development and many more topics. The conference begins at 1 p.m. Monday Oct. 22 with plenary sessions. The event goes into breakout sessions featuring a total of almost 100 speakers all day Tuesday and Wednesday morning.The American Shore and Beach Preservation Association will honor Patterson for his commitment to the Texas Coast with the 2007 Coastal Dedication Award on Tuesday Oct. 23.
For on-line registration or more information on the conference go to Early-bird registration deadline Oct. 9 after that registrations will be available at a higher rate.
The American Shore and Beach Preservation Association was founded in 1926 and represents the scientific technical and political interests along the coast in an effort to shape national research and policy concerning shore and beach management and restoration.
WHO: Jerry Patterson Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office
WHAT: GLO/ASBPA 2007 Fall Coastal Conference
WHEN: October 22-24
WHERE: Galveston Island Convention Center 5600 Seawall Blvd.
WHY: Conference theme Caring for the Coast: Protecting Enhancing Preserving