Cohen Named to Select Committee on Federal Legislation

ellen-cohenAUSTIN -- Speaker Joe Straus (R-San Antonio) earlier today announced the formation of the House Select Committee on Federal Legislation.  The committee will closely monitor significant pending federal legislation with specific emphasis on health care reform efforts.  State Representative Ellen Cohen of District 134 was among the members appointed the newly formed Committee.   Like many Texans I have serious concerns regarding the impact of federal legislation on the state said Speaker Straus. Straus has appointed Representative John Zerwas (R-Richmond) to chair the committee and Representative Garnet Coleman (D-Houston) to serve as vice johnchair. The committee will also work to improve the exchange of information between Texas and Washington D.C. by communicating the impact of pending federal legislation to the state economy and citizens.  Im honored to have the opportunity to represent the needs of a district with such strong ties to health care. The Texas Medical Center the patients visiting there and the many health care professionals who live and work in District 134 will be foremost in my thoughts as the Committee examines federal legislation said Rep. Cohen who also serves on the Appropriations and Higher Education Committees. Other members included on the Committee are:
  • Representatives Dan Branch (R-Dallas)
  • Warren Chisum (R-Pampa)
  • Donna Howard (D-Austin)
  • Susan King (R-Abilene)
  • Lois Kolkhorst (R-Brenham)
  • Trey Martinez Fischer (D-San Antonio)
  • Tommy Merritt (R-Longview)
  • Geanie Morrison (R-Victoria)
  • Elliott Naishtat (D-Austin)
  • Solomon Ortiz Jr. (D-Corpus Christi)
  • Tara Rios Ybarra (D-South Padre Island) and
  • Mark Shelton (R-Fort Worth).
State Representative Cohen represents District 134 which includes all of Bellaire West University River Oaks Rice University and the Texas Medical Straus-Joe-SpeakerCenter along with parts of Meyerland and Montrose.  Cohen is serving her second term in the Texas State Legislature. The committee will help the House respond in a fiscally appropriate manner regarding Texas specific needs and challenges Straus said.
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