Published: 02-11-09

Austin Texas - Members of the Railroad Commission of Texas today elected Commissioner Victor Carrillo to serve as chairman of the states oldest regulatory agency. Carrillo last chaired the Commission from
September 2003 through September 2005.
Much of the Commissions work is overseeing the Texas oil and gas surface mining and pipeline industries including exploration production and product transportation. The Commission helps keep Texans safe especially those who live and work around oil and gas facilities and pipelines and also protects Texas land and water by plugging abandoned wells and cleaning up old oilfield sites.
I commend Commissioner Williams on his good work as our chairman over the last two years and I am honored to follow him in this important role" said Carrillo. Working as a team with Commissioners Michael Williams and Elizabeth Ames Jones we will continue to make certain that Texans have affordable clean reliable and safe Texas energy. Texas remains the premier energy producing state in the nation and a critical element of our nations domestic energy security."
Carrillo pledges to continue to promote a strong yet balanced state energy policy that encourages responsible development of the states natural resources in a safe and environmentally protective manner for the benefit of all Texans.
Carrillo serves as chairman of the Outer Continental Shelf advisory board to the Secretary of the Interior - advising on all aspects of oil and gas leasing of the nations offshore areas.
He is also a member of Americas Energy Coast Honorary Leadership Council - a group educating the public on the national importance of the energy producing states of Texas Louisiana Mississippi and Alabama. He formerly served as vice chairman of the Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) and he was recently named to the Committee on Gas of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC).
Chairman Carrillo is also on the Board of Advisors of the Texas Journal of Oil Gas & Energy Law at the University of Texas School of Law.
I am honored to again serve as chairman as we strive to solve complex policy and regulatory issues and as we constantly adapt to the ever changing landscape of the Texas energy sector."
A native of Abilene Governor Rick Perry appointed Victor Carrillo to the Texas Railroad Commission in 2003. In 2004 Carrillo won his first statewide election garnering almost 3.9 million votes and making him the highest-ranking elected Hispanic official in Texas. Carrillo whose term expires in 2010 intends to run again. A licensed attorney and geoscientist Carrillo previously served on the Abilene City Council and as Taylor County Judge.