Combs Announces Federal Stimulus Appliance Rebate Program

susan-combs(AUSTIN) Texas Comptroller Susan Combs announced the state will use approximately $23 million in federal stimulus funds for a mail-in rebate program for consumers who purchase certain energy efficient household appliances. The U.S. Department of Energy approved the rebates for consumers who buy eligible Energy Star appliances and replace the same type of old appliance thats functional. The Texas program will also offer an incentive to recycle old appliances. Flat rebates will be given on Energy Star certified refrigerators freezers room air conditioners central air conditioners heat pumps water heaters clothes washers and dishwashers" Combs said. An additional $75 recycling rebate will go to consumers who buy an eligible appliance and recycle the same type of functional old appliance." The mail-in rebates will apply to eligible appliances purchased between April 16 and April 25 2010. The 10-day period will coincide with Earth Day. Offering the program next spring will give retailers time to stock up on appliances give the state time to select a vendor to administer the rebates and allow ample time to inform consumers about details of the rebate program. We want to create a program that works for Texas one that stimulates retail helps consumers save money and energy and conserves our natural resources by responsibly disposing of as many old appliances as possible" Combs said. The rebates will focus on the appliances that will save the most energy and water for Texas." The rebates are as follows: Appliance  Rebate  With $75 Recycling Rebate  Refrigerator  $240  $315   Freezer  $180  $255   Room Air Conditioner  $45  $120   Clothes Washer  $150 or $180*  $225 or $255   Dishwasher  $110 or $140*  $185 or $215   Central Air Conditioner  $600 $800 or $1000*  $675 $875 or $1075   Heat Pump  $1200 - $1600*  $1275 - $1675   Water Heater  $255 - $640*  $330 - $715   * depending on appliance type and energy efficiency of model purchased Consumers will have an opportunity to reserve an appliance rebate by calling a toll-free number or registering online approximately two weeks prior to April 16 2010. After the reserved mail-in rebates are awarded any remaining funds will be rebated to consumers on a first-come first-served basis. Shoppers will be limited to two appliance rebates and two recycling rebates per household. The Comptrollers State Energy Conservation Office is also working with retailers and recycling facilities to create a system to help consumers replace functional old appliances and recycle them where available. Further information on the rebate program will be announced as details are finalized. Consumers can sign up for e-mail updates on the rebate program at
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