Combs Returns Unclaimed Property to Denton County Urges Area Residents to Check Unclaimed Property List

susan-combs2(DENTON) Texas Comptroller Susan Combs announced today that the city of Denton has reclaimed $2434 in unclaimed property and Denton County has reclaimed $27176. Denton ISD also appears on the states Unclaimed Property List with $4429 waiting to be claimed. Cities counties and school districts face challenges in this tough economy" Combs said. Our office has expanded its efforts to quickly contact local government entities that have money on the states unclaimed property list and help them reclaim it and I applaud the taxing entities in this community for taking the initiative to get this money back and put it to work for the taxpayers."   Combs also urged all Denton- area residents to check the unclaimed property list to see if they have money waiting to be claimed. The state is holding more than $5.2 million dollars in unclaimed property for Denton residents. The Comptrollers office has returned more than $677000 to Denton owners in the last two years. The Comptrollers office has re-invented the traditional statewide newspaper insert breaking it into six regional unclaimed property lists that have been published on an extended schedule that began last October and concludes with the publication of the North Texas regional list on Sunday Feb. 7. By focusing on one region at a time we can provide better customer service and reunite people with their money faster because claims are spread out over several months rather than a single peak period" Combs said. Denton County unclaimed property owners names will appear on the North Texas regional list. The list will contain the names of 43900 unclaimed property owners from 50 counties who have had at least $250 in forgotten funds reported to the state within the last year. Of course you dont have to wait until the Unclaimed Property List appears in the newspaper to find out if the state is holding forgotten cash or other valuables in your name" Combs said. The unclaimed property Web site at is available year-round and contains the complete list of all owners of any amount of unclaimed property from any year." You may also inquire about unclaimed property by phone at (800) 654-FIND (3463). The state is holding about $2 billion in unclaimed property for missing owners statewide. The Comptroller estimates one in four Texans has money waiting to be claimed. Examples of unclaimed property include dividend payroll or cashiers checks; stocks bonds and mutual fund accounts; utility deposits and other refunds; insurance proceeds; mineral interest or royalty payments; dormant bank accounts; and abandoned safe deposit box contents.  In these challenging economic times Texas families are trying to make every dollar count" Combs said.  Now more than ever it is crucial that we reunite Texans with their unclaimed property."
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