Commissioner Elizabeth Ames Jones Raises Over $1 million

Published: 07-17-08

width=66In the past year supporters of Commissioner Elizabeth Ames Jones have given over $1 million providing her campaign account with a sound financial footing.

“I’m grateful to the many Texans from virtually every corner of the state who have chosen to ensure that I am prepared and able to keep delivering my grassroots message of energy security for our country. I believe that along with my strong supply-side economic message Texans appreciate me being plain spoken and have shown that by the tremendous response to my fundraising efforts” said Commissioner Jones.

After raising $1037246 Jones reported $862604.43 cash on hand and is planning an aggressive fundraising effort this fall.

“Elizabeth has worked tirelessly to prepare for the future and I’m proud to help her. It’s easy to raise resources for someone who has the integrity strong work ethic and knowledge to help lead Texas and America to a more secure energy future” said Jones Finance Chairman and San Antonio business owner Peter Holt.

Jones a former Texas State Representative has served as one of three Railroad Commissioners since 2005 and is the immediate past Chairman. Commissioner Jones was elected statewide to a full term in November 2006 and serves as the state’s 44th Railroad Commissioner and the second woman ever to be elected to the post.

The Railroad Commission of Texas oversees the Texas oil and gas industry investor-owned natural gas utilities pipeline safety safety in the propane industry and the surface mining of coal and uranium.

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