Awards will create more than 150 new jobs in Texas.
Published: 06-29-07
Published: 06-29-07

TDA provided a $985000 award to Midlothian for public infrastructure development so Burlingame Industries Inc. can expand its operations by adding a concrete roof tile manufacturing facility under its Eagle Roofing Products Division. The project will help create 101 new jobs for the community.
“These awards will undoubtedly give a boost to Midlothian and Sunnyvale and support economic development for North Texas” Commissioner Staples said. “It’s an example of good business and great partnerships at work for Texas.”
The Texas Capital Fund a part of the federal Community Development Block Grant program provided the award. About $10.5 million in competitive awards are provided by the Texas Capital Fund each year to boost the economic development of small Texas cities and counties. Administered in cooperation with the Office of Rural Community Affairs the program is housed under TDA’s Rural Economic Development Division.
“The Texas Capital Fund is a great tool to continue our work to help close the economic gap between urban and rural Texas” Commissioner Staples said.
“This grant will allow us to build a solid foundation for growth and bring new jobs to a hardworking community” said state Senator Kip Averitt from Waco. “This kind of economic development is a huge win for us and I salute Commissioner Staples and the Department of Agriculture for recognizing that Midlothian is a great investment.”
“This award will go a long way toward not only providing good high paying jobs for our community but will also send a positive message to other employers that Texas and Midlothian are great places to locate a business” said state Rep. Jim Pitts from Waxahachie.
“This is a great example of how state and local government can partner with communities to bring substantial economic growth to an area” said state Sen. Bob Deuell of Greenville. “It is important to recognize the great work that Commissioner Staples is doing and also to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the leaders in the Sunnyvale community. I am very proud of this project and feel it will be a great example for other communities.”
“This expansion will benefit both families and the local economy in District 101. I am proud to have been a part of this” said state Rep. Thomas Latham of Sunnyvale.
The Texas Capital Fund provides funding for infrastructure real estate main street and downtown development. Infrastructure Development Program awards may be used for projects that include water and sewer lines road improvements fiber optic lines and railroad spurs. Real Estate Development Program awards may be used to acquire construct or rehabilitate buildings. Both of these programs support companies that commit to job creation for low- to moderate-income individuals.
The Downtown Revitalization Program provides grants to non-Main Street cities for the purpose of renovating or constructing sidewalks lighting drainage and other infrastructure elements in the city’s downtown area.
For more information about the Texas Capital Fund contact the Texas Department of Agriculture Rural Economic Development Division P.O. Box 12847 Austin Texas 78711 or call the toll-free Rural Assistance line at (877) 428-7848.