Commissioner Staples Announces Grants to Support Texas Food and Fiber Industries

TDA awards funding for 39 projects in Texas.

Published: 09-11-07

LUBBOCK – Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples today announced the Texas Department of Agriculture has awarded $1.2 million in grants to five Texas universities to fund 39 research projects designed to bolster and enhance the state’s food and fiber industries.
“These projects which range from reducing or eliminating trans-fats in food products to comparing modern cotton harvesting equipment to using goats in managing brush control will provide an important boost to the state’s economy and impact the lives of all Texans” Commissioner Staples said.  “Whether you are a cotton farmer on the High Plains or a family living in Dallas or Houston your lives and livelihoods are constantly being improved by the benefits of food and fibers research.”
Commissioner Staples made the announcement at Texas Tech University’s International Textile Center in Lubbock.
The grants were awarded through TDA’s Food and Fibers Research Grant Program to the following universities:

• Texas Tech University $457315 for 15 projects such as evaluating the fiber properties of cotton; imparting antibacterial properties to cotton fabric; developing chemical warfare protective fabrics; and making peanuts a profitable such crop in West Texas where water is limited:
• Texas A&M University $446500 for 14 projects as broadening the genetic diversity of cotton; researching engineered systems for seed cotton handling storage and ginning; and using goats to manage juniper:
• Texas Woman’s University $273000 for eight projects ranging from using products containing cottonseed oil to increase the dietary intake of vitamins A and E to reducing or eliminating trans-fats in various food products:
• The University of Texas at Austin $2444 for transferring an agricultural database of research to Texas Tech University: and
• The University of Texas at Arlington $30000 for a project that will study the effectiveness of using cottonseed oil to produce biofuel.
Each project is required to leverage about $2.75 for each dollar received from the state bringing the total amount of research to more than $3.3 million.
“For 100 years TDA has partnered with Texans and private industry to support our food and fiber industries” Commissioner Staples said. “The projects funded for this year will not only go a long way in keeping Texas at the forefront of agricultural research and technology transfer but will also have a positive impact and effect on food and fiber industries around the world.”
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