(AUSTIN) Texas public community colleges and technical institutes who want help purchasing cutting-edge equipment needed for high-demand career and technical education programs have until 2 p.m. on Friday Nov. 6 to apply for a portion of the $2.5 million in competitive grants now available for the 2010-11 biennium.
The Job Building Fund worth a total of $10 million from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts will help finance equipment purchases for new career and technical education programs started throughout the state that support high-growth industries.
Texas Comptroller Susan Combs has allocated Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant Program equipment funds through her Every Chance Funds program an initiative providing grants and scholarships over the biennium for career and technical education. The need for the Job Building Fund comes as regular state funding lags behind demand in an era of rapidly increasing enrollment in community colleges.
The grants help community and technical colleges finance up-front costs as¬sociated with equipment purchases course development facility construction or renovation and other expenses related to their career and technical education programs" Combs said. We hope the grants will attract and de¬velop business in Texas communities."
Qualifying schools that receive grants must also provide matching funds in the form of cash equipment materials supplies and/or personnel costs. The Comptrollers office will select Job Building Fund recipients based on each projects potential economic return to the state and endeavors that involve dual-credit programs or have cooperative arrangements with other colleges. Priority will be given to projects that target high-demand occupations and new or emerging industries.
Every Chance Funds worth a total of $25 million also includes the $5 million Career and Technical Scholarship Fund which allocates money for approved training programs for high‐demand occupations and the $10 million Launchpad Fund to support and expand existing nonprofit programs with a proven track record of good performance.
For more information about the funds visit
http://www.everychanceeverytexan.org/funds. The Texas Works report which details the work force challenges facing Texas is available on the Comptrollers Web site at