Conaway-Authored Legislation to Protect Troops Signed by the President

mike-conaway3WASHINGTON D.C. - Yesterday President Obama signed into law the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill which included language that Congressman Mike Conaway (R-TX) introduced with Congressman Health Shuler (D-NC) along with Senators Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) that provides the Secretary of Defense the ability to protect American troops and civilians by preventing the release of photos of past abuse of detainees in U.S. custody. I am pleased that Congress and the President have taken steps to prevent the detainee photos from being released to protect our troops and increase the safety of American citizens" said Conaway. The very fact that we could put Americans all over the world especially our men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan in dangerous scenarios is reason enough to enact this legislation. The consequences of refusing to enact this legislation were simple and grave: if these photos had been released they would be used by our enemy to provoke violence against Americans and to further recruit insurgents on behalf of a violent anti-American cause. Protecting our troops is not a Republican issue or a Democrat issue and I am pleased that my colleagues in the House and Senate as well as our President recognize the importance of enacting this legislation." While I am pleased that the detainee photo legislation was included in the final Homeland Security Appropriations Bill that was signed by the President I could not in good faith vote for final passage of the bill as it would compromise the safety of Americans by allowing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay entrance into the United States.
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