Published: 01-29-09
WASHINGTON D.C. – Today the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass H.R. 1 the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 by a vote of 244 to 188 Congressman Mike Conaway (TX-11) voted against the bill and made the following statement after the vote:
“My problem with this spending package is not only in the massive cost but also where and how the money is spent. Roughly half of the Pelosi-Obey spending package funds non-stimulative social programs within the jurisdiction of the Labor Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
For example the bill’s original language set aside $462 million for equipment construction and renovation of facilities at the Centers for Disease Control and $3 billion for prevention & wellness programs including $335 million for STD education and prevention. Regardless of our country’s need for these programs there is no question that they are not necessary to revive our economy.
“I was a cosponsor of the Republican alternative to the Pelosi-Obey spending bill. The Republican proposal requires that any new spending geared at stimulating the economy should be paid for by reducing other government spending. We cannot borrow and spend our way back to a growing economy but we can offer incentives to small businesses and individuals that will put money back in their pockets to instill confidence in our economy and create new jobs.
“We cannot in good faith leave the next generation with this giant mess to clean up. We are not only borrowing $825 billion that we do not have now we are selfishly stripping money away from our children and grandchildren that they should have available to address their issues. Needless to say I will be opposing this massive expansion of our federal government and will continue to oppose legislation that will further burden our children by borrowing money that will never be paid back to fix a temporary problem.”