Concerns About Expanding Gambling May Be Stalling Veterans Scratch-Off Bill

BY Dave Montgomery width=199The House bill is sponsored by Rep. Chris Turner D-Burleson. Sens. Leticia Van de Putte D-San Antonio and Chris Harris R-Arlington are sponsoring the measure in the Senate. We cant put a price on the incredible sacrifices these brave men and women have made to protect our freedom Turner said at a news conference with Van de Putte and leaders of veterans groups. But by passing this bill we can provide our veterans some help they need and have earned. Van de Putte said the bill has problems in the Senate and is now mired in the State Affairs Committee. Although there doesnt appear to be organized opposition against the bill Van de Putte said the measure may be running afoul of groups traditionally opposed to the expansion of gambling. But Rob Kohler a lobbyist for the Christian Life Commission at the Baptist General Convention of Texas said that his organization believes that the Turner-Van de Putte measure goes in the right direction since money from the lottery would be used for charitable purposes. John Miterko a Vietnam veteran who is the Legislative Liaison for the 400000-member Texas Coalition of Veterans Organizations said leaders of the groups will reach out to their members to contact lawmakers who are now entering the final month of the session. The bill has made better progress in the House after being approved by the House Committee on Licensing and Administration. Supporters are now waiting for it to be placed on the House calendar for debate. Benefits from the veterans fund would help subsidize nursing care family and marital counseling peer groups transportation for medical treatment and other services. DAVE MONTGOMERY
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