Condemning the Vandalism at the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C.

Published: 10-01-07
As you may have heard on September 7th between 7:00pm and 9:00pm someone or a group spread an unidentifiable oily substance on The Wall and the paving stones of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.   After an investigation on September 17th the U.S. Park Police declared the act vandalism.  The U.S. Park Police remain committed to identifying and removing the substance.

This is unconscionable and un-American!  Why on earth would someone want to reignite the pains of the past?  It was the ultimate act of cowardice.
I am an original co-sponsor of a new House Resolution condemning the vandalism.  U.S. Congressman John Carter (31st Dist.-Texas) proposed H. RES. 680: Condemning the actions of September 7 2007 resulting in damage to the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial.  The measure has 102 bipartisan backers.

Recently the American Veterans (AMVETS) announced a $5000 reward for information leading to the arrest and successful prosecution of those responsible for the vandalism.   Earlier the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund also announced a $5000 reward.

I find a little comfort that the stain will be cleaned and hope and pray that the loved ones of those men and women memorialized on the Wall know that we remember their selfless family members and thank them for their service and sacrifice.

These men and women listed on the Wall all demonstrate why America is the land of the free and the home of the brave.  These valiant warriors fought to protect and defend this great nation. I We will not allow someone to tarnish their good name.
Protecting your Social Security number from I.D. theft
Have you ever had your personal information “like your Social Security number (SSN)” used without your permission?  Join the club!  I introduced a bill to restrict the sale purchase and display of Social Security numbers H.R. 3046 the “Social Security Number Privacy and Identity Theft Prevention Act of 2007.”

Paying for college “learn how at a free seminar” and win $1000 just for attending!
I’m Co-Chairing two free workshops on planning and paying for college on Saturday October 6th in Frisco and Garland.  One participant at each seminar will leave with a $1000 scholarship just for attending. 

The Paying for College program is sponsored by The Sallie Mae Fund a charitable organization sponsored by Sallie Mae.  Sallie Mae Fund experts will spearhead the discussion and then answer questions.  Families will learn about planning and paying for college and receive free resources to guide them through the process.

Both events are open to the public and are free of charge.  People must sign-up to attend the event by Friday October 5th.   To attend the workshop please RSVP to the Sallie Mae Fund via the toll-free number 1-877-840-8224 or online as seating is limited.  To register online simply go to

An education is one of the most precious gifts a parent may give to a child.  I encourage parents and students to attend this worthwhile informative seminar to learn how to make college more affordable.  While college can be expensive studies reveal that families overestimate its costs is sometimes leading them to believe higher education is beyond their means.  Research also found that families are mystified by the financial aid process and are unaware of the billions of dollars in the form of grants scholarships and low-cost education loans available every year. 

Please join me at one of these free events.

Saturday October 6th
Paying for College Seminar
10:00am to 11:30am
Collin County Community College
Preston Ridge Campus
Event Center- LC 104
9700 Wade Blvd.

2:00pm to 3:30pm
Naaman Forest High School
4843 Naaman Forest Blvd.
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