Thursday News Conference to follow Small Business Forum
Texas Insider Report: HOUSTON Texas There has been a growing disconnect between the priorities of the American public and the policies coming out of Washington D.C." says Congressman Lamar Smith (R TX-21). Tomorrow September 2 2010 at 10:00 a.m. Congressman Smith will hold a News Conference following a joint forum with small business owners in the Texas 21st District.
When you consider the taxes the spending and the increased debt its clear that Washington has been doing what is best for Washington not American small businesses.
I want to hear from my constituents who have valuable experience and a personal perspective on what policy makers in Washington can do to foster a healthy economic environment for small businesses" said Smith

Congressman Lamar Smith (TX-21)
News conference after forum with small business owners in the Texas 21st District.
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 2 2010 at 10:00 a.m.
Laura Bush Community Library
9411 Bee Cave Road
Austin TX 78733