Cong. McCauls Healthcare & Defense Update

From Congressman Michael McCaul mccaul4Its looking more like Senator Baucuss healthcare plan scheduled to get a vote in the Senate Finance Committee Tuesday will tax the middle class and cut seniors Medicare benefits. Healthcare Update Last week the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office gave a preliminary indication that the Baucus plan would reduce the deficit by $81 billion over its first ten years due solely to a payroll tax increase on middle-class Americans. However the savings estimate is greatly misleading due to the way the bill is set up. Baucuss plan would begin to tax Americans beginning in 2010 but wont begin making any noticeable expenditures until 2013.  In reality the CBO says Baucuss $829 billion price tag is more than $2 trillion.  Additionally non-partisan assessments have revealed the Baucus plan would raise taxes on families making under $250000 would cut seniors Medicare Advantage benefits and Medicare reimbursement rates. The full Senate could vote on this plan within a few weeks. Defense Authorization I am greatly disappointed the Democrats took the unprecedented step last week of attaching divisive social policy legislation to a defense authorization bill meant to fund our troops. Because of this partisan legislation it passed with noticeably fewer votes than any defense authorization bill since 9/11. I am proud that John Brieden III of Brenham who has held numerous and national veterans posts supports my vote. Brieden said An astute observer has to understand people attach bad things to good bills. On a consistent basis Congressman McCaul has supported the troops and the DOD budget and pay raises and I support his vote today. Agriculture Rural Development FDA Related Agencies Appropriations Act On Wednesday I voted against HR 2997 The Agriculture Appropriations Conference Report. After I voted against the House version of the bill in July the Conference Report version still includes too much spending in unnecessary places. This bill increases funding by 13.9 compared to FY 09 and by 28.8 compared to FY 08. At the same time it appropriates $23.3 billion in discretionary spending which is a 14.1 increase from last year. Many of these funds will serve duplicative purposes and are either already funded by the private sector or other federal programs. Overall I voted against this bill since it is filled with redundant spending that could be better examined and prioritized; however it passed in the House.
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