Congress Should Again Look to Texas

From Representative Ken Paxton Texas is one of only seven states not facing budget deficit width=65Last week Governor Rick Perry announced his support for HCR 50 a resolution I have co-authored that reaffirms states rights under the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution.  A number of recent federal proposals are not within the scope of the federal governments constitutionally designated powers and impede the states right to govern themselves.  HCR 50 affirms that Texas claims sovereignty under the 10th Amendment over all powers not otherwise granted to the federal government. This resolution is an effort to re-emphasize that we in the State of Texas want the federal government to refrain from imposing unjustified conditions and federal requirements that should be decided by the Texas Legislature rather than the United States Congress. This is not an attempt to secede from the union declare independence or break away from the federal government. This effort is spreading nationwide with over 20 states from various regions reasserting their autonomy including Arizona California Colorado Georgia Indiana Maine Michigan Missouri New Hampshire Oklahoma Pennsylvania and Washington. Texas is one of only seven states that is not facing a deficit right now.  I am proud of our efforts over the past few years that have led to financial stability budget surpluses and limited state spending.  Unfortunately Washington D.C. has not demonstrated this type of fiscal restraint.  What is worse is that fact that our U.S. Congress has passed many laws to coerce the states to comply with federal laws and regulations which I believe is in violation of the 10th Amendment.   Rather than try to force its problematic policies on us Congress should look to Texas as an example and follow our lead.
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