Congressman Hensarling Fights to Strengthen Economy Increase Jobs

Published: 02-22-08

width=65This week I have had the opportunity to travel around the 5th District to discuss the economy with workers and job creators. As Texans face an uncertain economy and rising health care food education and energy costs it is time for both sides in Washington to work together and ensure that good paychecks continue to flow into the pockets of workers. I also discussed solutions I have proposed in Congress that would help create jobs for hardworking Texans.

First and foremost Congress must help ensure that middle-income Americans can keep up with the rising cost of living. I am focused on preventing looming tax increases that are scheduled to take effect on many unsuspecting families and small businesses.

We have to make sure that couples who fall in love and get married aren’t punished by the marriage penalty and other scheduled increases such as the cutting in half of the child tax credit. Tax relief for middle-income Americans is very important especially at a time when their paychecks are squeezed by an increase in the cost of living.

Congress also must ensure that small businesses who according to the Small Business Administration created up to 80 of new jobs in the last decade don’t face an enormous tax hike. We have to make sure that small businesses don’t get blasted by the death tax and income tax rates that will be 13 higher than they pay today. Those high tax rates are relics of the 1990s and we can’t allow them to return. This is important because small businesses represent 99.7 of all employers in America. Mom and pop shouldn’t be popped with new taxes.

In addition to preventing tax increases I have co-authored legislation that will allow job creators to keep more of their earnings so they can at a minimum sustain current payroll levels but more than likely put more paychecks into the hands of deserving workers and hire new people. The Economic Growth Act of 2008 will ensure that Washington takes a back seat to Main Street and job creators are empowered to do what they do best—create jobs.

It is hardworking Texans and job creating small businesses that are the engine that drives the American economy. We must do everything we can to protect –and strengthen-- middle income paychecks so that workers can keep up with the cost of living.

During my tour of the district I also discussed the recent tax refund proposal that President Bush signed into law last week. Under this law a one-time tax refund will be mailed to qualifying taxpayers. It is never a bad thing to give money back to hard-working taxpayers but we must be careful not to confuse temporary tax rebates with economic growth. True growth comes from allowing small businesses families and job creators access to capital to actually grow the economy. This kind of growth will preserve jobs and paychecks and even offer the opportunity to grow those paychecks.

Earmarks are another issue that cost American taxpayers $18 billion last year alone. I am working to fix the broken system of congressional earmarks and am one of only 12 members of the House who have refused to request any pork barrel projects.

When it comes to Congressional earmarks there aren’t just a few bad apples the barrel is full of them. The American people have wised up to the fact that too often Congressional earmarks are about using their paychecks to preserve a Congressman’s or Senator’s paycheck. At a time when families are facing higher gas prices higher health care premiums and higher tuition costs it is especially important for Congress to commit itself to responsible spending levels so that taxes on hard-working Americans aren’t raised even higher.

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