Congressman Hensarling Unveils Growth-Oriented Economic Stimulus

Published: 01-25-08

In light of America’s current economic situation there has been a lot of talk recently about the need for an economic stimulus package to put our economy back on the right track.  Many different options have been discussed but when it comes down to it what our economy needs are growth-oriented incentives that focus on job creation and long-term solutions to our economic problems.

That is why yesterday I helped unveil the Economic Growth Act of 2008.  This bill is designed to provide broad growth-oriented permanent incentives for economic activity across all sectors and industries with immediate application and sustained long-term implications.  This will ensure that Washington takes a back seat to Main Street and job creators are empowered to do what they do best—create jobs.
It is clear that some hardworking families in some East Texas communities are struggling to make ends meet and that the economy needs a boost. However we must be careful to provide long-term sustainable incentives as a solution to America’s economic problems.  As history shows us the best way to provide an economic turnaround preserve jobs and spur growth is to ensure that East Texas job creators face a lower tax and regulatory burden.

East Texas families ought to be able to keep more of what they earn especially at a time when they are seeing higher gasoline prices higher health care premiums and higher education costs.  In order to provide long-term benefits to our economy we must lessen the burden placed on the backs of job creators so that hard working East Texans can continue to go to work and earn a paycheck to support their family.

To read more about the Economic Growth Act and my efforts to offer incentive-based stimulus to the U.S. economy follow this link to read an article that ran in today’s New York Times.  The article is titled “Bush and Congress Nearing a Deal on Stimulus” and can be found in the January 2008 section.  
Congressman Hensarling Welcomes Home America’s Heroes
On January 15 I participated in the Welcome Home Hero program at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) and greeted returning servicemen and women coming home for two week furloughs from Iraq and Afghanistan. 

I was honored to be a part of this incredibly special occasion and to welcome home over 150 brave servicemen and women who have sacrificed so much on behalf of our nation. These men and women have bravely fought to protect our way of life and we owe them all the recognition and gratitude that heroes deserve.

Welcome Home Hero is a program administered by the North Texas Commission in conjunction with the DFW United Service Organizations (USO).  Last Spring I signed on as a dedicated co-sponsor of H.Res. 391 a resolution recognizing the employees of DFW the North Texas Commission and the USO for their dedication to the Welcome Home Hero program. 

In addition to greeting the returning troops I toured the DFW USO facilities which include relaxation areas for the troops a game room computers phones and a caf. 
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