Congressman Michael McCauls Statement on Ramos and Compeans Appeal

Published: 11-04-07

Today Congressman Michael McCaul released the following statement concerning Jose Compean’s and Ignacio Ramos’ appeal before the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

 “All reasonable Americans believe these two men should immediately be released from prison and arrive home in time to be with their families for Christmas.  Along with several of my colleagues I have sent letters to the President asking that he immediately commute Ramos and Compean’s sentences and then pardon their convictions. 
I firmly agree that prosecutors as the judges of the 5th Circuit Court alluded to “overreacted” in prosecuting this case and that it should have been handled as an administrative issue from the start.

During today’s hearing Judge Patrick Higginbotham said the fact that Aldrete made several attempts to smuggle drugs across the border "strikes me as very relevant." I agree with Judge Higginbotham.  The Judge and prosecution should have allowed the jurors to know that information.  The fact that the court did not allow the information to be heard by jurors was a serious legal error by the district court.

In my numerous letters to the President I have always made it clear that since this case did not go through an administrative process as it should have  and that lacking a pardon it should go through the appeals process where the mistakes of the original trial could be rectified and where justice would prevail.  Based on the positive statements from two of the three judges today I believe the judicial process is now working.”
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