Congressman Mike Conaway Announces Reelection Campaign

Published 12-7-07

Midland TX – Congressman Mike Conaway (R-TX) officially launched his 2008 reelection campaign when he filed paperwork for his reelection with the Republican Party of Texas in Austin. Conaway released the following statement announcing his reelection effort:

“I want to continue to lead the charge in Washington for fiscal responsibility a strong national defense and to keep our government accountable” said Conaway a C.P.A. and small businessman seeking his 3rd term in Congress. “As I travel across the district I am genuinely heartened to see the hard working and committed spirit of Texans throughout District 11. I look forward to being able to continue to address the issues that are most important to them in Washington.”

“Right now it is unfortunate that partisanship reigns supreme in Washington. This is going to be an extremely important election as ...
the American people determine which direction our country will head in the future. I am committed to the conservative principles and Texas values that I originally held when I was first elected.

There is still much work to be done in bringing our those values to Washington and I look forward to continuing to lead the fight for a safer more secure and more prosperous America while championing our conservative causes. I hope the citizens of the 11th district will give me the opportunity to continue my service as their Congressman.”

The 11th Congressional District of Texas includes 36 counties in Central and West Texas including the communities of Midland Odessa San Angelo and Brownwood. Congressman Conaway currently serves on the House Agriculture Armed Services Budget and Republican Policy Committees and is an Assistant Republican Whip.

For more information please contact Jeff Burton at (202) 302-8637.
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