Congressman Randy Neugebauer Roundup

Sobering Reminder of the Global War on Terror and Enemies of Freedom

Published: 01-08-08

On December 27 2007 the former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto was assassinated during a campaign rally. Her assassination was brutal and is yet another ugly reminder that in today’s world no one is safe from the evil of radical Islamic terrorism. 

Benazir Bhutto was a leading advocate and powerful voice for democracy and reform in Pakistan. She believed in hope and a brighter future for the people of her country. She returned to Pakistan knowing full well of the threats but she faced them with steadfast courage to defend the principles she believed in.
This barbaric action is a reminder of the importance to continue to fight against terrorists and enemies of freedom.

As a nuclear power the stability of Pakistan is of the utmost importance to not only the Middle East but the entire global community. We must continue to monitor the developments there and help ensure a stable Pakistan as it moves forward to free and democratic elections.

Veto of Defense Authorization Bill
On December 28 2007 President Bush vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act. Because this legislation provides the authority to spend money already approved in the defense funding bill we now must move quickly to ensure a quick remedy.

The National Defense Authorization Act passed the House of Representatives nearly unanimously but President Bush vetoed this legislation because one specific provision that would cause undue harm on the political and economic progress in Iraq requires modification.

I remain confident in the administration’s commitment to work with Congress promptly to assure that all of the programs included in this bill will not be jeopardized.

Among the highest priority is the anticipated pay increase and benefit improvements for the men and women in uniform. The President has made it clear that once the bill is acceptable he will make sure the pay raise for troops will be retroactive starting January 1 2008.  I support his call for this action.

It is my sincere hope that the Congressional leadership will work expeditiously with the President to correct this one provision.

We need to finalize the National Defense Authorization Bill to secure important programs and make sure our troops receive the money they have earned.

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