Conservative Leader Leo Berman Endorses Rister in House District 20

milton(Georgetown TX) Representative Leo Berman (RTyler) announced his endorsement of Milton Rister for House District 20 at a rally in Sun City.  Milton Rister is a man of great character and integrity. I am proud to publicly endorse him and thank him for his willingness to work on the critical issue of two million illegal aliens in Texas who are costing Texas taxpayers $4.5 billion/year to provide them with free healthcare and a free education."   It would be a great benefit to Texas if he is elected to the Texas House of Representatives and I am proud to help him achieve that goal." Rep. Leo Berman represents Tyler Texas and has been a strong Conservative voice in the Texas Legislature. bermanthumbHis list of accomplishments includes:
  • Retired Colonel United States Army
  • City Council Member and Mayor Pro-Tem Arlington Texas
  • BA Political Science with honors Southern Methodist University (1969)
  • Life Member Texas Association of Business & Chambers of Commerce
  • Heritage Alliance Top 10 Award (representing top 10 percent most conservative legislators)
  • Life Member National Rifle Association & Texas State Rifle Association.
Said Rister of Bermans support I am honored to have Rep. Leo Berman come to House District 20 to endorse me and to talk about such an important problem we are facing in Texas." This is one of the primary issues I hear about when walking the district and I can assure you that if elected I will do everything I can to ensure that we cut down on illegal immigration beef up our border security and eliminate sanctuary cities" Rister said. Rister has more than 20 years of experience working in Republican politics and in the legislative process. He helped elect a Republican majority in the Texas House of Representatives has served as chief-of-staff to Senator Jane Nelson and was the director of research and senior advisor to Lt. Governor David Dewhurst. MiltonIn 2004 Rister took the position of executive director of the Republican Party of Texas to assist in the elections and the National Convention. Most recently he served as the executive director of the Texas Legislative Council the agency that provides bill drafting research computing and document distribution for the Legislature. Berman said Rister has the knowledge to hit the ground running and immediately be an effective leader for House District 20.
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