Published: 02-15-08
Border Security & Property Taxes to Highlight DiscussionsBURLESON – Texas State Representatives Rob Orr (R-Burleson) and Bill Zedler (R-Arlington) in partnership with the Texas Conservative Coalition (TCC) will host a Town Hall meeting Feb. 26 at the First United Methodist Church in Burleson. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.
The Town Hall will focus on topics of border security and property taxes according to Reps. Orr and Zedler.
“Reinvigorating the conservative movement starts with the grass roots. The members of TCC want to discuss with citizens across Texas what we believe are the top challenges facing the state – property taxes and illegal immigration -- and discuss what to do about them” Rep. Zedler said.
“Members of the Texas Conservative Coalition are busy formulating proposals to address the most pressing issues facing our state” Rep. Orr added. “We want to share our ideas with our constituents hear their thoughts and shape a thoughtful agenda based on their feedback.”
“We want to hear what is on people’s minds and we want them to know that despite all the gridlock in Washington conservative leaders in Texas are working hard to secure the border lower property taxes and keep spending under control” said Rep. Wayne Christian (R-Center) president of the TCC.
Representatives Orr and Zedler noted that in the 80th Legislature over $14 billion was directed toward a record property tax rate cut $100 million was put into border security to help stop the narcotics weapons and human trafficking coming across the Rio Grande River new reforms were passed to make budgeting more transparent and $4 billion was put aside in the Rainy Day Fund.
At the Town Hall meeting legislators are looking for serious feedback on challenges facing the state to develop future priorities. Key issues to be discussed at the Feb. 26th Town Hall includes:
• The growing legal and cultural challenge of the estimated 1.5 million illegal aliens in Texas especially the problem of ensuring that only qualified US citizens are registered to vote in state elections;
• The increasing financial burden of property taxes on homeowners and business owners;
• The imperative to require voter identification at the polls to help prevent at least one form of vote fraud.
“We want to ensure Texas continues to be a world leader in every respect” said Rep. Christian “and we believe that conservative values and policy recommendations make a critical difference in keeping Texas positioned nationally and globally.”
Members of the Texas Conservative Coalition (TCC) have held a series of town hall meetings across Texas. This Town Hall will be the 15th held since Labor Day of last year. The Texas Conservative Coalition is the conservative caucus of the Texas House of Representatives.