By Denise McNamara
Published: 11-06-07
Published: 11-06-07

You might expect assaults like these from secular politicians but coming from Christian leaders it is particularly unseemly. These self-appointed kingmakers do not speak for all conservatives. And the way in which they are denigrating these fine candidates is shameful.
No one needs to be reminded (well maybe they do) that at stake in this presidential election is the national security of the United States not to mention the balance of power in the Supreme Court.
This is not exactly the time to take your marbles and go home because you didn’t get to “anoint” your chosen candidate. We know that Dobson wanted Newt. Sorry it didn’t work out. We know that Schlafly wants Hunter. Good luck with that. It’s fine to work for the candidate of your choice. Just stop attacking fellow Republicans. At the risk of being redundant I will say it again: None of our candidates are perfect! Newsflash: Even Reagan wasn’t perfect!
The struggle for power among Christian conservative leaders is tearing the party apart. The goal should be to have the ear of the king which is going to be difficult if you have a history of insulting and attacking the king. Dobson and Schlafly et al should take a lesson from Daniel or even Billy Graham.
And Christians in general should remember that God chooses our leaders as it tells us in Daniel 2:21: He (God) changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them; and in Romans 13: For there is no authority except that which God has established. Memo to Christian conservatives: Leave the negative attacks to the Democrats.